Thursday, July 7, 2011

Moving on up

Well I have taken a very long break from blogging and school....a whole month and now I am finally getting back into the swing of things. I am finally getting excited about prepping for sixth grade and developing my behavior programs, class schedule, and so on. This next year I am not only changing grade levels but I am also taking on the community service group on our campus. I am really want to do a good job with this because this will be the first year we have this group. I really wanting students to be passionate about their school and helping everything run smoothly. So now....What I need from all of you!

I am needing some ideas for jobs for students to do on our campus and I was wondering if any of you wonderful teachers had some ideas or programs like this at your school. Any and all advice/ideas are welcomed. So if you had/have a community service group on your school site what thing would you like them to do or what do they do?

I am excited to hear what you all have to say.